Friday, June 29, 2012

Walking and Running Groups

Walking with Strollers:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:30 am.  Meet at the dentist office parking lot on 300 North (across from the Heritage Care Center) at the start of the trail.  The group will walk the trail to the park, let the kids play, then walk back.

Walking (no strollers):
Since there is not a clear consensus of times to walk, how about two different times?  Early morning on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 7am, or later in the evenings at 8:30 pm.  Meet at the meeting house parking lot, allowing a few minutes for stragglers.  Once it is established the times and places can be adjusted to meet the needs of the group.  The trail beginning on 3rd North is a good spot, or the cemetery is another beautiful walk, or around the Ward neighborhoods.

Tuesday and Thursday at 7am.  Meet at the church.